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Phone: 678-653-9189


A perfect balance of learning and play

Our curriculum is based on Creativity. We use creative curriculum to teach children in our center. This type of teaching method allows children to freely explore and discover everything that surrounds them, giving them the opportunity to unlock their potentials and interests, as well as develop their creativity, confidence, and lifelong critical thinking skills. The Creative Curriculum includes developmentally appropriate goals and objectives for children within four main categories of interest:


The social or emotional stage helps promote independence, self-confidence, and self-control.


We offer exercises and activities that are designed to increase a child’s large and small motor skills.


Our staff allows children to enhance their cognitive skills through problem-solving, allowing them to ask questions and think critically.


We allow children to learn how to communicate with others, listen and participate in conversations, recognize letters and words, and begin writing for a purpose.

For more information about our programs and curriculum, please don’t hesitate to reach us at your convenience. We’re here to help.